Weak End

Gabor On Drums

Album available at stores: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok, Resso & Luna, YouTube Music, Amazon, Soundtrack by Twitch, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, ClaroMusica, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, KKBox, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Triller (beta), Joox, Kuack Media (beta), Yandex Music (beta), MediaNet

Weak End


The music album Weak End is the acoustic double to my book „Weak End – by Gabor Pox„. The concept is very simple: 6 music blocks with the same length (10 minutes each), the same tempo (104 bpm), the transitions between the parts should not be recognizable – that is, this is a song with 60 minutes!
The parts with different emphasis are as follows:
(1) electro sound by Robotechno (2) drums by Gabor (3) keyboards by inprivatemusic (4) lyrics (vocals/rap) excerpts from the book (5) saxophone jazz feeling (6) rock ending.

It’s like a symphony…

Weak End
Weak End - Part 1 (Sample)
Weak End - Part 2 (Sample)
Weak End - Part 3 (Sample)
Weak End - Part 4 (Sample)
Weak End - Part 5 (Sample)
Weak End - Part 6 (Sample)

WEAK END - Part 4 (Song Text)

My wife often wished that
I would finally write a crime novel.
Now she suddenly says she said thriller.
Too late.

Then what is this all about?
This story is about something
completely different.
I have lost the line, but
I can promise it will be exciting. 

Refrain (Inspector’s wife, Casey):
What is there to report, Inspector?
What’s the news today, Inspector?
I’m glad you’re finally ready to get checked out.
Who’s in charge of security there?
Is it really a Weak End?

John Lakeman is a false name.
Please call police officer Vusimuzi,
the number is here.
Tell him to come here immediately.
With mask, but without monkey.

And what about the killer?
The Indian gardener was better informed
than the Camorra.
It sounds like an investigative success.
According to the script, who’s next?


Refrain (Inspector’s wife, Casey)

Can I check the wires coming out of the electrical box?
Did I miss the shooting? Did you give me a shot?
Who is lying over there?
Not so many questions at once, please.

Stop, stop the recording! What’s that?
We have to go back to the valley.
Why did the conveyor system stop?
The warning came too late, however.

Refrain (Inspector’s wife, Casey)

The series will end as of now.
There will be no more episodes.
Who’s speaking?
That’s exactly the question I was going to ask you now.

Inspector Pox, do you have anything to say?
The ways of the Lord are unsearchable!
Then I will ask the question:
Who was the Chinese man at the airport?

Refrain (Inspector’s wife, Casey)

Album available at stores: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok, Resso & Luna, YouTube Music, Amazon, Soundtrack by Twitch, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, iHeartRadio, ClaroMusica, Saavn, Boomplay, Anghami, KKBox, NetEase, Tencent, Qobuz, Triller (beta), Joox, Kuack Media (beta), Yandex Music (beta), MediaNet

Weak End - Video


WEAK END - Part 2 (Song Text)

Commander Deleter, if the warming on our planet continues at this exponential rate, the sea level will rise by 27 statistical chair heights within 10 years, and that will put all the continents completely under the water surface.

As I said, we have to fortify our financial position first.

Commander Deleter, I feel that the media, especially the para-newspaper articles, have been working against us lately. They don’t want to understand our exit from the solar industry properly and are labeling us as environmental sinners!

As I said, our press department is delivering a more than excellent job.

Commander Deleter, we are approaching the planet Earth again. We could suck up some carbon dioxide while we’re at it, the Earthlings are always very grateful for that, and we need the stuff anyway.

As I said, we need to focus on our core businesses.

Commander Deleter, I have just learned from the spying reports of the Never Spying Agency, or NSA for short, that a ballast revolution is being prepared at our company to clean up the top level of concert management, I was going to say corporate management.

Don’t worry. A ballast revolution would only be possible within the Group, and there is full cooperation and openness within the management.

Weak End - Read the Book!

Inspektor Pox, erfahrener Ermittler der Bostoner Polizei, auch bekannt als Sherlock Pox, wird als Berater für die letzte Staffel der Kult-Krimiserie „Weak End“ nach Hollywood gerufen. Als sich während der Dreharbeiten unerwartete Unfälle ereignen und einige Schauspieler vom gespielten Tod nicht zurückkehren, nimmt der Inspektor die Arbeit richtig auf und versucht, die Fälle zu lösen. Es sieht nach Mord aus, jedoch sind Motiv und Täter völlig unklar. Wer hat ein Interesse daran, die Serie zu demontieren? Oder geht es nur um Marketing, um hohe Einschaltquoten zu erzielen? Inspektor Pox bekommt Hilfe von Schauspieler Patrick, der ihn in der Serie verkörpert, sowie vom ebenfalls anwesenden „Südafrika-Team“ mit Schimpansen Weaky. Führt die Serie tatsächlich zu einem „Weak End„? (Text to German version)

English version coming soon!

