Gabor On Drums

Gabor On Drums

Musician (drums, keyboards) & Music Producer

This is a real one man band having one head, two hands, four foot pedals, eight drum pads, sixteen music instruments to play simultaneously and thousand twenty four ideas to realize. It sounds like a robot with Artificial Intelligence… But this is another story – Gabor is Engineer and Project Manager for Environmental Technology and A.I. The next face of the artist is a book writer called Gabor Pox (currently on German language only). The connection link between the three faces is the album “Bookmarks”, containing seven music pieces – one for each book. It is not easy to define a genre – „Gabor On Drums“ is walking in the „Bermuda Triangle“, the corners are marked by Jazz, Fusion and Chillout.

Jazz It Again

Jazz Album (2021)

In the “aging” jazz era, the new album by “Gabor On Drums” seems like a real surprise. “Jazz It Again” is an invitation to pull jazz out of the drawer and look at it with new acoustic glasses. The title song with the flute-guitar combination ensures a relaxed mood, in “Pergamon” you just have to run along with the “swing”. The song “European Dialogue” communicates with the keyboard player of inprivatemusic calling Brussels for more “Hancock Initiative” for musicians. „Inversion of Time“ motivates us in times of TENET and COVID to change the direction – it would be nice to go back into the times two years ago… Franz Liszt engages an old keyboard matching the cover image – the result is refreshing! Finally the favorite track from the previous “Christmas” album returns in a headless, but ingeniously relaxed version. The wait was worth it! Jazz It Again! The album is available on all online platforms.

Christmas Loops

Album for the Christmas Time (2020)

Forget the permanent COVID news and listen the Christmas Loops! The album “Christmas Loops” by “Gabor on Drums” is live on all music platforms!  The album contains three versions of the same music idea (CHILLY, ROCKY and JAZZY). You can compare the same solo instruments (flute and saxophone) in different acoustic contrast. What is your favorite version? Give me feedback and push your likes!  The first song called “Mary-Anne Christmas” is dedicated to a loving family member who left us last November…

Join the BAND

There are new possibilities for collaboration - if you are a solo musician ready to work from the Home-Office making music projects together - contact me.

GAbor goes to Hollywood

Dear Donald Trump,

If you say straightly that you lost the election – doing it without any additional comments – you can use this music for your next campaign for free! (February 2021)

“iDiot in New York” is a German novel by Gabor Pox, written in 2010, telling a story about five persons crossing the streets of Manhattan from the north to the south. The music on the album „Bookmarks“ with the same title was created later to the book.

Gabor for Peace

Dear Vladimir Putin,

If you stop the war in the Ukraine – you can use my „Weak End“ music for your TV reporting for free! (February 2022)

“Weak End” is a German / English novel by Gabor Pox, written in 2022, telling a story about a crime series in Hollywood. The music on the album „Weak End“ was created to the book.